Logan Mika van der Merwe. Born 28 July 2005, weighing 2,670 Kgs (that's 5.9 lbs).
She surprised us by arriving 3 weeks early, and looking at her now, two weeks on, I find it so difficult to believe that she should still have been in the womb, biding her time and floating in her own little Nirvana of water and muffled sounds, instead of out here in the harsh, cold world.
She's such a little character! She gets plenty angry when she can't get her food (we've been having a bit of trouble with the feeding, but it seems to be better now), and she doesn't want to go to sleep, she wants to see what's going on all the time.
Her eyes are so active all the time, like she can't drink in everything fast enough, and I want to tell her: Slow down, little one, you have the entire rest of your life for that! Then I remember, none of us know how long we have, so I say nothing. I just hold her closer and thank all the gods that she arrived safe and has a chance to experience life and I have a chance to experience her, a chance so many other mothers and babies don't have.