Friday, July 01, 2005

The War of the Mentally Unstable.

I've decided to not be just another news-commentary blog, but I simply can't resist mouthing a few words about Tom Cruise and his denial of the therapy currently in use for the treatment of mental illnesses. (For those who don't know, I'm about as unstable as they come, and have to use anti-deps even though I am pregnant). As if that wasn't enough, he went on to attack Brooke Shields for using anti-depressants and therapy to deal with her post-natal-depression.

Brooke defended herself and called his claims "ridiculous, as reported in this article here.

This just left me wondering: does the wonderful Mr. Cruise have talents/anatomical parts as yet unheard of? Some sort of qualification or research to back up his claims, or more pertinantly, some experience in PND? I would have loved to see him eat his words after he suffers from it, but since his kids are adopted and he himself can't exactly carry, give birth and suffer the hormonal fluctuations that pregnancy and children bring, I can't help but wonder where he gets the right to make statements like that and present it as truth on international TV.

Of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinions about things like this, but honestly, it's just stupid to open your mouth on international TV, commenting on things about which you know absolutely nothing but what your church tells you.

Perhaps we should put Telkom on his back and see him deny his own mental instability after months of trying to reason with them and get some form of service from them. Now that would be entertaining.

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