The news today is just buzzing with the newest research, done on pairs of female twins by the St Thomas's hospital in London. In their report, it is found that "between 34 and 45 percent of the variation in the ability to orgasm" can be blamed on genetics.
I must say, the article was quite engrossing, and does make a lot of sense... but can't you just imagine it? "Oh, my inability to orgasm (like my inability to stop eating) is genetic, nothing they can do...". Heh.
In other twin-related news, a woman who has received an ovary transplant (with her identical twin as donor) delivered her baby without complications, after conceiving just a few months after the surgery, and the drs are saying that she can have more babies. Yay for her!
The pot-issue has been referred to congress, with the hopes of coming to a conclusion that would lead to similar control as there is currently over things like cocaine and morphine, which are used for medical purposes but are illigal to use recreationally. My personal opinion is that *all* drugs should be banned from "recreational" use, but hey, that's just me. I'm sure a lot of valiumed Pretoria princesses would disagree.
I'm watching the Mac-InTel epic with interest, because it could mean an end to windows. Anything that combats the evil of the Gatekeeper and his team of wanton scientists seeking to clam the entire world in the tyrannical chains of materialistic computering gets my vote! (Says the user of a home pc which runs AMD and Windows XP).
Then, of course, there's the omnipresent African Aid issue. Well, it's omnipresent here in Africa, at least. Apparently the British are welcoming their Prime Minister's convincing US president Bush to give Aid to Africa. Isn't that a catchy slogan? Aid to Africa's AIDs problem. I think I should copyright that!
Locally, that slimy SOB Shaik was sentenced to only 15 years in jail. For those of you who are not from South Africa, he is the owner of some companies who, together with our present vice-president and future president, Jacob Zuma, commited major and gross corruption in the South African Arms deal, robbing the country/state of millions.
He should have been locked away for life, along with his buddy Mr. Future President Zuma if you ask me, but hey. At least it's better than nothing, and they're deciding whether to proscute that corrupt Zuma. I swear, if he becomes president of this country, I will seriously consider fleeing. Can't you just imagine the dimensions corruption would take on *then*? I could just hear it now: "Yeah, we thought corruption was a problem in 2005. *laughter all around*". Shudder.
Then, in China, the Chinese government requires all blog-users, companies etc. to register or be shut down. All of this in a desperate attempt to control the internet. I can't decide wether this is hilarious or sad. "Open up! This is the Net Police, and you haven't registered that blog!" Bloggist types furiously to summon help online, while police shout "Don't do that! You can't type without a license! You bad, bad man/woman!"
Sad, I fear.
Of course, the whole world is trying to guess what Britney Spears is carrying... for some strange reason, they are mainly concerned about it being a boy or girl, with the latest verdict being pink. I just can't understand it. Why aren't people more concerned with *what* she is carrying? A future bad pop-song-singing autograph-signing-while-bitching little Spederline! The world as we know it could come to an end, with grinning celeb kids being responsible for the fact, and all people are concerned about is "Is it a boy or a girl?"
At least, if its a girl, she can tell Ricki, Jerry and everyone else "Well, my mother says she had her first orgasm after she married... but I've been orgasming since before I can remember. Where does that leave me? It's genetic, you know!"
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