Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Wasted Weekend...

Ah, Sunday. Don't you just love Sundays? It is the day [insert preferred deity here] made to just kick back, relax, take stock of the past week's goings-on and rest before the new week dawns. A day of peace, calm and bumming out in front of the TV in a mindless stupor. That is, everywhere but here, it seems.

Yes, the Princess has been discovering that the world is, in fact, rather interesting. This happened to our immense chargin and against all our wishes, as we were hoping to keep her locked up inside the house forever, banning all contact with the outside world, squashing all interest in going out and especially going out with boys. Alas, now our plan has failed and a new one must be formed.

So, since Princess discovered that the world is so amusing she has also evidently been drawing the conclusion that all the most interesting and amusing things about the world are hidden away until the moment she closes her eyes to sleep. Hence, she refuses to sleep during the day in fear of missing out on all these things her parents (us) wanted her to miss. Drats, foiled again!

Ah well. I guess we'll just have to spend the next few days dreaming up a new strategy and in the meantime I think I'll just tear out my hair in sleepless frustration live with it.

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